Statement of Values

Vision of the company

To be the port of choice for entry cargo in the Andean Macro Region.


Mission of the company

Connect the Andean Macro Region with the world by offering a world-class service to our clients. We will achieve this with a team of collaborators proud of their work, well trained and equipped, in harmony with the development of our city and a firm commitment to our environment.


Company values

  • Service
    • We work to offer a service of excellence.
    • We aspire to fully satisfy the expectations of our clients.
    • We care about identifying the needs of our clients and putting them at the center of our work.
  • Responsability
    • We assume the obligation to respond for what we do or fail to do and we measure the consequences of our actions.
    • We comply with the commitments made.
    • We carry out our tasks and obligations efficiently, recognizing errors and correcting them in time.
  • Security
    • We are aware of the importance of safety in our work.
    • We identify, evaluate and take the necessary measures to work in a risk-free environment and control potential dangers to our health and safety at work.
    • We promote a culture of self-care and concern for the integrity of others.
  • Honesty
    • We behave with integrity and consistency.
    • We generate relationships of trust, based on the truth.
    • We offer what we can deliver and we strive to achieve it.
  • Respect
    • We recognize the value of each person.
    • We strive to empathetically understand different points of view and particular situations, considering the opinions of others.
    • We respect the environment in which we carry out our activities.

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