Statement of Values

Vision of the company:

To be an efficient and innovative port terminal, which provides services of the highest quality for the mobilization of the cargo generated by its area of ​​influence, with a high ethical, social and environmental responsibility. Together with this, contribute to the economic and industrial development of the Tarapacá region, opening the port to the globalization of international maritime traffic.

Mission of the company

To be leaders in the logistic operations of the port, providing an efficient service to all our clients, for the benefit of our shareholders, collaborators and community, working with the environment in a sustainable way. Further:

  • Develop a competitive company.
  • Promote the increase of foreign trade.
  • Modernize port structures.
  • Guarantee the development and modernization of port services, so that they are efficient, efficient, economical and safe.
  • Contribute to the growth and development of the economy of Tarapacá.
  • Offer competitive rates.

Company values

Quality: deliver an optimal service to our customers.

Excellence: constantly seek it, privileging health, safety and the environment, that is, the sustainability of our company.

Dignity: guarantee in our operations respect for life and dignity of people.

Commitment: to make respect, honesty and loyalty, the permanent principles of all those who are part of the ITI family.

Trust and Honesty: they are the basis of our relationship with our shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers and community.

Progress: we are concerned and committed to the development and progress of the community.